Cov khoom

  • Kraft Reusable Khw Hnab Zam Tsim Daim Ntawv Hnab Nrog Tes

    Kraft Reusable Khw Hnab Zam Tsim Daim Ntawv Hnab Nrog Tes

    Feature ntawm Paper Carrier Bag With Printing And Paper Handle
    1.Paper hnab nqa nrog luam ntawv thiab kov, cov khoom ntawm lub hnab ntawv yog kraft ntawv (100% recycled), luam ntawv tuaj yeem yog CMYK lossis Pantone xim offset luam ntawv.
    2.Paper carrier hnab tuaj yeem nrog ob sab luam ntawv los ua cov ntawv nqa khoom zoo li khoom kim heev, daim ntawv nqa lub hnab ntim khoom yog customized ntim, tsis muaj matte me me lossis loj loj, Zoo siab ntim tuaj yeem ua rau nws.
    3.Peb muaj 150 tus neeg ua haujlwm thiab ua tiav 500000 daim ntawv lub hnab ntim khoom hauv ib lub hlis, tus nqi tsim nyog, kev muag khoom zoo thiab lub sijhawm xa khoom sai ua rau cov ntawv ntim khoom muag zoo hauv kev lag luam txawv teb chaws.

  • Pheej Yig Kraft Paper Makeup Ntim Hnab Paj ntaub ntawv hnab nrog kov

    Pheej Yig Kraft Paper Makeup Ntim Hnab Paj ntaub ntawv hnab nrog kov

    Feature ntawm Paper Carrier Bag With Printing And Paper Handle
    1.Paper hnab nqa nrog luam ntawv thiab kov, cov khoom ntawm lub hnab ntawv yog kraft ntawv (100% recycled), luam ntawv tuaj yeem yog CMYK lossis Pantone xim offset luam ntawv.
    2.Paper carrier hnab tuaj yeem nrog ob sab luam ntawv los ua cov ntawv nqa khoom zoo li khoom kim heev, daim ntawv nqa lub hnab ntim khoom yog customized ntim, tsis muaj matte me me lossis loj loj, Zoo siab ntim tuaj yeem ua rau nws.
    3.Peb muaj 150 tus neeg ua haujlwm thiab ua tiav 500000 daim ntawv lub hnab ntim khoom hauv ib lub hlis, tus nqi tsim nyog, kev muag khoom zoo thiab lub sijhawm xa khoom sai ua rau cov ntawv ntim khoom muag zoo hauv kev lag luam txawv teb chaws.

  • Kraft Daim Ntawv Hnab Nrog Koj Tus Kheej Logo Tus Kheej Loj Customized Lag luam wholesale

    Kraft Daim Ntawv Hnab Nrog Koj Tus Kheej Logo Tus Kheej Loj Customized Lag luam wholesale

    Feature ntawm Kraft Paper Printing Carrier Hnab
    1.Kraft Paper Printing Carrier Hnab nrog ib sab Sab nrauv luam ntawv thiab nrog paj rwb kov .Lub hnab ntawv kraft muaj zog txaus los tuav cov khoom hnyav.
    2.Kraft Paper Printing Carrier Hnab yog siv dav hauv cov kab sib txawv thiab cov khoom sib txawv, lub hnab ntawv kraft nrog kev luam ntawv thiab qhov ntev.
    3.Our tuam txhab tsim 500000 daim ntawv nqa hnab txhua lub hlis thiab koom tes nrog ntau lub tuam txhab nto moo.

  • Super Thicker Ntuj Daim Ntawv Christmas Khoom Plig Tam Sim No Hnab nrog Logo

    Super Thicker Ntuj Daim Ntawv Christmas Khoom Plig Tam Sim No Hnab nrog Logo

    Feature ntawm Paper Carrier Bag With Printing And Paper Handle
    1.Paper hnab nqa nrog luam ntawv thiab kov, cov khoom ntawm lub hnab ntawv yog kraft ntawv (100% recycled), luam ntawv tuaj yeem yog CMYK lossis Pantone xim offset luam ntawv.
    2.Paper carrier hnab tuaj yeem nrog ob sab luam ntawv los ua cov ntawv nqa khoom zoo li khoom kim heev, daim ntawv nqa lub hnab ntim khoom yog customized ntim, tsis muaj matte me me lossis loj loj, Zoo siab ntim tuaj yeem ua rau nws.
    3.Peb muaj 150 tus neeg ua haujlwm thiab ua tiav 500000 daim ntawv lub hnab ntim khoom hauv ib lub hlis, tus nqi tsim nyog, kev muag khoom zoo thiab lub sijhawm xa khoom sai ua rau cov ntawv ntim khoom muag zoo hauv kev lag luam txawv teb chaws.

  • Kev Muag Khoom Zoo Tshaj Plaws Tshwj Xeeb Tsim Khoom kim heev Daim Ntawv Khw Hnab

    Kev Muag Khoom Zoo Tshaj Plaws Tshwj Xeeb Tsim Khoom kim heev Daim Ntawv Khw Hnab

    Feature ntawm Kraft Paper Printing Carrier Hnab
    1.Kraft Paper Printing Carrier Hnab nrog ib sab Sab nrauv luam ntawv thiab nrog paj rwb kov .Lub hnab ntawv kraft muaj zog txaus los tuav cov khoom hnyav.
    2.Kraft Paper Printing Carrier Hnab yog siv dav hauv cov kab sib txawv thiab cov khoom sib txawv, lub hnab ntawv kraft nrog kev luam ntawv thiab qhov ntev.
    3.Our tuam txhab tsim 500000 daim ntawv nqa hnab txhua lub hlis thiab koom tes nrog ntau lub tuam txhab nto moo.

  • Tsev Sau Kev Cai Logo Sau OEM Brown Kraft Ntawv Hnab

    Tsev Sau Kev Cai Logo Sau OEM Brown Kraft Ntawv Hnab

    Feature ntawm Kraft Paper Printing Carrier Hnab
    1.Kraft Paper Printing Carrier Hnab nrog ib sab Sab nrauv luam ntawv thiab nrog paj rwb kov .Lub hnab ntawv kraft muaj zog txaus los tuav cov khoom hnyav.
    2.Kraft Paper Printing Carrier Hnab yog siv dav hauv cov kab sib txawv thiab cov khoom sib txawv, lub hnab ntawv kraft nrog kev luam ntawv thiab qhov ntev.
    3.Our tuam txhab tsim 500000 daim ntawv nqa hnab txhua lub hlis thiab koom tes nrog ntau lub tuam txhab nto moo.

  • Kraft Pillow Candy rau Kab tshoob Party Favor Paper Box Soap

    Kraft Pillow Candy rau Kab tshoob Party Favor Paper Box Soap

    Feature ntawm CMYK luam ntawv customized ntawv ntim lub thawv
    1.CMYK luam ntawv customized ntim ntawv lub thawv nrog ua matte lamination uas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov xim zoo, tiv thaiv fading.
    2. Nws yog lub thawv loj thiab muaj peev xwm nqa tau txhua yam khoom
    3.Siv 400gsm coated ntawv raws li cov khoom siv thiab muaj zog txaus los nqa cov khoom.

  • Pheej yig yooj yim Dawb Pillow Box Custom Logo Printing Handmade nrog Ribbon

    Pheej yig yooj yim Dawb Pillow Box Custom Logo Printing Handmade nrog Ribbon

    Feature ntawm CMYK luam ntawv customized ntawv ntim lub thawv
    1.CMYK luam ntawv customized ntim ntawv lub thawv nrog ua matte lamination uas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov xim zoo, tiv thaiv fading.
    2. Nws yog lub thawv loj thiab muaj peev xwm nqa tau txhua yam khoom
    3.Siv 400gsm coated ntawv raws li cov khoom siv thiab muaj zog txaus los nqa cov khoom.

  • Biodegradable Die Cut Qhov rai Kraft Daim Ntawv Cwj Pwm Ntim Lub Hnab

    Biodegradable Die Cut Qhov rai Kraft Daim Ntawv Cwj Pwm Ntim Lub Hnab

    Feature ntawm CMYK luam ntawv customized ntawv ntim lub thawv
    1.CMYK luam ntawv customized ntim ntawv lub thawv nrog ua matte lamination uas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov xim zoo, tiv thaiv fading.
    2. Nws yog lub thawv loj thiab muaj peev xwm nqa tau txhua yam khoom
    3.Siv 400gsm coated ntawv raws li cov khoom siv thiab muaj zog txaus los nqa cov khoom.

  • Xim Ntawv Ntim Logo Sau Dub Laminated Ivory Paper Pillow Wig Box

    Xim Ntawv Ntim Logo Sau Dub Laminated Ivory Paper Pillow Wig Box

    Feature ntawm CMYK luam ntawv customized ntawv ntim lub thawv
    1.CMYK luam ntawv customized ntim ntawv lub thawv nrog ua matte lamination uas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov xim zoo, tiv thaiv fading.
    2. Nws yog lub thawv loj thiab muaj peev xwm nqa tau txhua yam khoom
    3.Siv 400gsm coated ntawv raws li cov khoom siv thiab muaj zog txaus los nqa cov khoom.

  • Tuag txiav Pillow Box Fancy Paper Xim Boxes Printing Kub Stamping Logo

    Tuag txiav Pillow Box Fancy Paper Xim Boxes Printing Kub Stamping Logo

    Feature ntawm CMYK luam ntawv customized ntawv ntim lub thawv
    1.CMYK luam ntawv customized ntim ntawv lub thawv nrog ua matte lamination uas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov xim zoo, tiv thaiv fading.
    2. Nws yog lub thawv loj thiab muaj peev xwm nqa tau txhua yam khoom
    3.Siv 400gsm coated ntawv raws li cov khoom siv thiab muaj zog txaus los nqa cov khoom.

  • Custom Logo Printing Kub Stamping Kraft Daim Ntawv Khoom Plig Pillow Box nrog kov

    Custom Logo Printing Kub Stamping Kraft Daim Ntawv Khoom Plig Pillow Box nrog kov

    Feature ntawm CMYK luam ntawv customized ntawv ntim lub thawv
    1.CMYK luam ntawv customized ntim ntawv lub thawv nrog ua matte lamination uas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov xim zoo, tiv thaiv fading.
    2. Nws yog lub thawv loj thiab muaj peev xwm nqa tau txhua yam khoom
    3.Siv 400gsm coated ntawv raws li cov khoom siv thiab muaj zog txaus los nqa cov khoom.